Josef Hlaseks Photo
A lot of beautiful photos among which a decent number of macro photos of water animals.
Nature photography by
Dragiša Savić
Hundreds of beatiful photos, a great many of beetle pictures and some water animals.
Beetle Gallery of
Large gallery, mostly landbeetles, but some waterbeetles as well.
Marek R. Swadzbas European Insects
Many insect species, neatly arranged in vast galleries. Many links to other insect photo
sites. (German language)
Victor Bos Photo Pages
are beautiful as well, you can add your own comment at some of the pictures.
The Canadian naturephotographer Website of Robert Berdan, a professional nature photographer. Lots of beautiful photos, from the sky-wide Northern Lights to microscopic creatures. offers educative materials for teachers and enthousiasts alike. Not just on biology, but many other subjects. Started in 2021.
Awesome Electron Microscope Photos by
Dennis Kunkel
These galleries you have to see, many of the pictures are colorized to give stunning
A website about the microscope, how to use it (illumination, micro photos and more) and with
nice photos of several groups of the smallest water animals.
Mikroskopisches Kollegium Bonn An interesting (German) site with many interesting articles and photos.
German-language forum Lots of exchange of experiences and beautiful photos.
It Came from the Pond
Do-It-Yourself Protistology, Bruce Taylor.
Nice, amusing site on microscopic animals, with short movies and drawings. Enthusiastically
and humorously described.
Life in water ( Many beautiful DIC-microscopy photos of micro-organisms, a species database with digital photos is being worked on. Mainly rotifers.
Real Micro Life, website of Dr. Martin Kreutz, a
passionate microscopist. A wealth of astonoshing and beautiful DIC-microscopy photos of all
kinds of micro-organisms, often with background information and a short history of the
Also worth looking up: his Gesammelte werke on (his contributions to that forum)
LITERATURE (digitized)
BHL - Biodiversity Heritage Library.
A treasure trove of digitized beautiful old books that can be read and downloaded.
Internet Archive.
Millions of digitized books.
GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility
The site to search for species names and information about them.
SUB - Göttinger Digitaliserungszentrum
Very extensive. General historical works.
Good portal search site for digitized literature
Some links to more specific animals or subjects are on the pages about them.